2016 Conference Sessions


Clients in Transition: Overcoming the Implementation Impasse
Joy D. Kirsch, Kirsch & Associates
Welcome Keynote 8:30 – 9:30 am

When life changes, money changes and when money changes, life changes. Yet, often clients in transition are resistant to implementing advice and moving forward in their planning. This seminar discusses some of the latest findings in behavioral science and is designed to educate the professional on common characteristics that clients in transition share. The information revealed will help the professional address client transition issues while integrating the internal, emotional experience with the external, administrative one. It also helps the client to recognize successful outcomes, resulting in clients who are making healthy decisions and moving toward financial independence with confidence and a sense of purpose.

Continuing Education
CFRE – 1 hour
CFP – 1 hour
CLE – 1 hour
CPE – 1 hour

Best Estate Planning Ideas for 2016 and Beyond…
Patricia M. Annino, Prince Lobel & Tye LLP
Luncheon Keynote 11 am – 12 pm

In this presentation Patricia will unpack for us the following “Seven Best Ideas”, (1) Buyer’s Remorse: A Second Look at Completed Significant Gifts and How to Undo Them; (2) Completed Significant Gifts: The Importance of Leverage; (3) Gifting in 2016 and Beyond: Going Forward with the Permanent Laws; (4) New Twists on Philanthropic Planning; (5) Congruent Planning: Align Entities for Income, Gift, Estate Tax Planning and Family Values; (6) Portability Planning Opportunities and Pitfalls Under ATRA; and finally, (7) Inter-Generational Planning: Planning is a Systems Approach – Focus on the Next Generation and the Prior One.

Continuing Education
CFRE – 1 hour
CFP – 1 hour
CLE – 1 hour
CPE – 1 hour


Designing a Planned Giving Program
Pamela Gray, Rice University

Breakout Session 1 – 9:45-10:45 am / Breakout Session 3 – 2:30pm

Has your organization wanted to start a planned giving program for some time? Do you have the support and resources from your leadership to begin? How much time is needed to start a small program? What policies and procedures are needed? What kind of expertise should your staff have access to and what should staff members know to do this work? All of these questions can cause organizations to postpone starting a program, but that means money given elsewhere or not at all. A planned giving program can manifest itself into many different forms ranging from a small, to a medium, to a large program. Don’t let these sometimes transformational gifts to your organization be given away or not given at all; start your program today! This session will provide simple steps to designing a program that is right for your organization.

Continuing Education
CFRE – 1 hour
CFP – no credit
CLE – no credit
CPE – no credit

What Your Boss Really Needs to Know About Planned Giving
Scott Lumpkin, Scott R. Lumpkin & Assoc., LLC
Breakout Session 1 – 9:45-10:45 am

Help your boss understand the real essence of gift planning and increase your fundraising impact and productivity. Misconceptions about gift planning can keep your boss from understanding what you do as a gift planner and why, limiting your effectiveness and impacting your career. Scott Lumpkin draws on thirty years in gift planning, including five years as vice president of advancement at a major private university, to help you understand:

~ How to elevate your role by repositioning gift planning.
~ How to turn your boss into a gift planning advocate.
~ How to make converts out of your colleagues.
~ How to lobby for more gift planning resources.
~ What your leaders need to know about planned giving donors & strategies, how to recruit and retain gift planners, and how to maximize gift planning success.

Continuing Education
CFRE – 1 hour
CFP – no credit
CLE – no credit
CPE – no credit

Name That Trustee: Top Considerations for Choosing or Acting as a Trustee
Elizabeth Sommer, Neuberger Berman Trust Company
Lisa Bogert, Neuberger Berman Wealth Management
Breakout Session 1 – 9:45-10:45 am / Breakout Session 2 – 1:15-2:15 pm

The selection of a trustee is a key component to a successful estate plan. Acting in such a capacity is not an honor but a privilege and responsibility with attendant risks and exposure to liability. This discussion will address the duties of a trustee, including the financial, legal, accounting and tax components; the importance of understanding the governing document and knowing your beneficiaries; best practices in avoiding personal liability for your actions as a trustee (or those of your co-trustee); and considerations when selecting a trustee or when agreeing to serve.

Continuing Education
CFRE – 1 hour
CFP – 1 hour
CLE – 1 hour
CPE – 1 hour

Intervivos and Testamentary Charitable Gifts of IRAs
Jeffrey Lydenberg, PGCalc
Breakout Session 1 – 9:45-10:45 am

Permanent passage of the charitable IRA rollover has presented new challenges and opportunities for clients who want to make gifts from their IRAs.  This session will discuss what you need to know about making a lifetime gift to charity from your client’s IRA.  The appeal of the charitable IRA rollover is not as broad as disposition of IRAs to charity at the death of the donor.  The opportunities and planning pitfalls of adding charity as a beneficiary of your client’s IRA.

Continuing Education

CFRE – 1 hour
CFP – 1 hour
CLE – 1 hour
CPE – 1 hour

Planned Giving Stewardship – “Friends for Life”
Lisa Chmiola, CFRE, St. Agnes Academy
David Tinker, CFRE, ACHIEVA
Breakout Session 2 – 1:15-2:15 pm

Most fundraising operates on a continuous cycle: discovery, cultivation, solicitation, stewardship…morphing back into cultivation for the next gift. But what happens when you secure a gift that requires decades of stewardship just to maintain it? Planned gifts provide the ultimate opportunity for a donor to leave his or her mark on an organization, and if not stewarded properly over generations of fundraisers, can be reduced or even lost completely.

This session gives attendees an opportunity to learn how best to steward planned gift donors, with an emphasis on the fact that the professional securing the gift likely will not e the professional on staff when the donor’s gift is realized.  Stewardship tactics (including the importance of record keeping) will be discussed, and participants will have time to work through case studies involving tricky planned gifts.

Continuing Education
CFRE – 1 hour
CFP – no credit
CLE – no credit
CPE – no credit

Bequests – Who Wants to Make Them & How to Get Them
Jeffrey Lydenberg, PG Calc

Breakout Session 2 – 1:15-2:15 pm

For charities large and small, bequests are the largest source of planned giving revenue. But these gifts don’t come out of nowhere. Proactively marketing and soliciting bequests from your donor base is absolutely necessary to maximize your organization’s bequest revenue. Drawing from the latest research on the behavior of bequest donors, as well as extensive experience consulting with charities on their bequest programs, this presentation will offer practical ideas on how to make the bequest decision easy and compelling for a donor. You’ll learn how to identify good bequest prospects and how to motivate them to include a charitable bequest for your organization in their estate plans.

Continuing Education
CFRE – 1 hour

CFP – no credit
CLE – no credit
CPE – no credit

Charitable Giving and the Closely Held Business
Patricia M. Annino, Prince Lobel & Tye LLP
Breakout Session 2 – 1:15-2:15 pm

Join us for a practical discussion (with case studies) about charitable gifting for the closely held business owner. In addition to the traditional closely held businesses, whether our clients know it or not, with the proliferation of limited liability companies and limited partnerships in the past 20 years many families are now businesses. Owners of closely held businesses and the family business entities represent a significant percentage of the most philanthropic individuals. They are connected to their community and its philanthropy. Increasingly the business owner who has also been philanthropic wishes to explore how to achieve their financial, personal, business goals through charitable giving. Discussion topics will include the benefits and pitfalls of using closely held stock to make a charitable gift, special considerations for the “S” corporation and LLC owners, uses of charitable remainder trusts to minimize income taxes and the right candidate for establishing a charitable fund at The Columbus Foundation.

Continuing Education

CFRE – 1 hour
CFP – 1hour
CLE – 1 hour
CPE – 1 hour

The Power of Email – Case Studies on Effective Uses of Email for Planned Gifts
Sandra Henningsen, Crescendo Interactive, Inc.

Breakout Session 3 – 2:30-3:30 pm

This presentation will focus on ways to engage your donors through email communication.  Examples of planned giving emails with high open and click-through rates will be discussed to illustrate principles of effective email communication. Branding, segmentation, personalization, messaging and more will be highlighted. Crescendo’s research on email marketing will help your organization consider new ways to use email to reach and build relationship with our best planned giving prospects.

Continuing Education
CFRE – 1 hour
CFP – no credit
CLE – no credit
CPE – no credit

Unlocking the Power of Charitable Remainder Trusts – Creative Gifts of Real Property
Scott Lumpkin, Scott R. Lumpkin & Associates LLC
Breakout Session 3 – 2:30-3:30 pm

Close more gifts of real property through the creative power of charitable remainder trusts.  This case-study based presentation covers practical, donor-driven strategies for using charitable remainder trusts to solve common donor dilemmas and improve your fundraising impact by promoting gifts of real property.  Topics include Flip CRUTs, short-term CRTs, and other creative planning strategies.  Scott Lumpkin draws on years of experience closing gifts of real property to show you:

~ What you need to know about using real property with charitable remainder trusts.
~ How to close more gifts of real property without being an expert OR serving as trustee.
~ How to handle property with complex issues including environmental contamination.
~ What you need to know to evaluate, accept, sell and manage real property donated to charitable remainder trusts.

Continuing Education
CFRE – 1 hour
CFP – 1 hour
CLE – 1 hour
CPE – 1 hour