October AFP Educational Luncheon

October 19, 2018 @ 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Junior League of Houston
1811 Briar Oaks Ln
Houston, TX 77027

AFP Educational Luncheon

A Journey of Legacy Giving: Tales from Two Shops
Presented by Cindy Atmar and Jillian Day


Legacy giving.  Planned Giving.  Gift Planning.  Whichever term you use, there’s overwhelming data about the anticipated influx of such gifts as the Baby Boomer population ages.  It can be hard to identify the first step to start the journey of incorporating this kind of giving into your philanthropic menu.  What does this kind of giving look like outside of a big shop?  How do you reinvigorate an existing legacy society?  How do you engage your colleagues?  This co-presentation by Cindy Atmar, Director of Gift Planning at MD Anderson Cancer Center and current president of the Charitable Gift Planners of Houston, and Jillian Day, Director of Development at the Houston Zoo and current board member of AFP-Greater Houston, will highlight the journey of legacy giving at their respective organizations.  This luncheon will move beyond the basics of planned giving and focus on how legacy giving becomes part of your culture of philanthropy, irrespective of size.  Our goal is to leave you with tangible ideas that incorporate this kind of giving into the philanthropic options available to your donors as they plan their legacy.

11:00 am – 11:30 am Registration & Networking
11:30 am – 12:00 pm AFP Business & Lunch
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm  Keynote Speaker

Online Registration
Member Pricing: $25.00
Non-Member Pricing: $40.00
Student: $10.00 (must show valid ID)

Junior League of Houston
1811 Briar Oaks Ln,
Houston, TX 77027


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