Session Descriptions
Opening Keynote
Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Understanding Nonverbal Communication
Jan Hargrave, Author, CEO, Hargrave & Associates
It’s a scientific fact that a person’s body gestures give away his true intentions.  Actually, over ninety percent of all face-to-face communication is nonverbal; thus, the silent messages of the body often reveal more than the spoken word in conveying true feelings and attitudes.  Jan Hargrave is a behavioral authority on nonverbal communication, and author of Let Me See Your Body Talk, Freeway of Love, Judge the Jury, Strictly Business Body Language, and Poker Face.  Clear, practical and fun, Jan will share a wealth of information concerning effective communication and the “hidden messages” of those around you as well as yourself.

Lunch Keynote
Blended Gifts from Major Gift Donors

Eddie Thompson, Ed.D., FCEP, President and CEO, Thompson & Associates
Fundraising professionals have been helping donors with blended gifts for many years, while not realizing that they have been doing so. Imagine the power of a focused effort to thoughtfully work with donors in creating a strategic giving plan. By helping benefactors create a blended gifts plan, major gift donors will feel more comfortable and excited about their philanthropy. Eddie will explore with us the keys to a successful blended gifts program for major gift donors.

Blended Gifts from a Major Gift Donor

Special Guest Speaker: Judge Ed Emmett
Hurricane Harvey Impacts & Recovery
As Harris County’s chief executive officer since 2007, Judge Emmett is responsible for working with four county commissioners to oversee a county government serving more than four million remarkably diverse residents. As county judge, Judge Emmett also serves as Director of Emergency Management.
In late August 2017, the remnants of Hurricane Harvey dumped unprecedented amounts of rain on Southeast Texas, including Harris County. People died, homes and businesses flooded, families were displaced and our lives changed. Judge Emmett will share his perspective of this disaster, the worst flood in our history.

Breakout Sessions
Building a Rainy Day Fund
Kim Sterling, President, Sterling Associates
According to a January 2018 article in the Chronicle of Philanthropy about half of America’s nonprofit organizations have less than one month of operating reserves. In this session, Houston nonprofit expert and President of Sterling & Associates, Kim Sterling, will offer insights on why and how nonprofits can build a rainy day fund so when the unexpected happens, your organization is prepared to weather the storm.

What’s in the Attic? The World of Tangible Personal Property
Alan Breus, President, The Breus Group
From historic documents to rare wines and books, as one of the top estate appraisers in the country Alan advises and consults with universities, charities and other nonprofits on appraisals and non-cash gifts. This presentation will cover the many unacknowledged tangible assets that both novice and collector have overlooked as valuable. 

Charitable Giving Advice: Who, When, How, What, & Why
Patrick Pacheco, EVP, Trust Executive, Cadence Bank
P.Pacheco_PGCH 10 Common Mistakes

Organizational Leaders Who Wear Many Hats: 100 Years of Experience
Moderator: Amelia Ribnick Kleiman, CFRE, MBA, JD, ARK Consulting
Panelists: Mary Kay Whittrock, Director of Planned Giving, Alley Theatre
Tom Moore, CFRE, Director of Advancement, The Kinkaid School
Roberta Herman, HJCF; Amy Regan, Houston Food Bank
Amy Ragan, Chief Development Officer for the Houston Food Bank.
Hear from a panel of Development experts who wear many hats in their nonprofit organizations.  Our experts work in Social Services, the Arts, and Education, and will share how they manage the myriad tasks, including a planned giving component.

Blended and Complex Gifts
Amanda Brown Irving, Executive Director of Development, UT Austin
The future of gift planning is blended gifts. Learn how to walk donors down the path to a major gift now to see the impact during their lifetime, while also building to an ultimate gift through their estate. In this session, we will share case studies of ways to tap into donor’s values, interests, and experiences to encourage them to stretch their view of giving to encompass both near and long-term gifts simultaneously.

Blended and Complex Gifts

The Prerogatives of Privileges – The Ethics of Protecting Our Planning Clients, Even From Themselves!
Stephanie Loomis Price, Shareholder, Winstead PC
For charities large and small, bequests are the largest source of planned giving revenue. But these gifts don’t come out of nowhere. Proactively marketing and soliciting bequests from your donor base is absolutely necessary to maximize your organization’s bequest revenue. Drawing from the latest research on the behavior of bequest donors, as well as extensive experience consulting with charities on their bequest programs, this presentation will offer practical ideas on how to make the bequest decision easy and compelling for a donor. You’ll learn how to identify good bequest prospects and how to motivate them to include a charitable bequest for your organization in their estate plans.

The Prerogatives of Privileges–The Ethics of Protecting Our Planning Clients_

Planned Giving Tools
Angela Throne, Texas A&M Foundation
Whether you are short on budget or short on man power, this session will introduce the most effective planned giving tools that can help you build a productive planned giving program. We will go over the most popular gift types to introduce to your donors, cost effective marketing tools, and reporting tools that will help you show off your planned giving success.

Does the Donor Have Charitable Intent?
Tom Barrett, JD LL.M, Advanced Markets Director, Mass Mutual Financial
Presentation_Charitable Intent

Charitable Giving Options for 2018 and Beyond
Tama Klosek, Managing Member, Klosek & Associates PLLC

With non-profit organizations conducting a seemingly endless cycle of capital campaigns, this presentation is designed to educate advisors on various options for organizing and structuring charitable giving.  We’ll explore best practices for advisors as they counsel clients through the giving pitch and focus on what the client is being asked to do to support their favorite charity or charities and the efficient paths for proceeding with impactful philanthropy.